Written college essays
High School Photo Essay Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Principles of Pathology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Standards of Pathology - Essay Example Clinical pathology manages the research facility examination of the infection through analyzing the organic liquids, for example, blood. Lab testing is a typical method to analyze a sickness along these lines clinical pathology is generally utilized in emergency clinics. Atomic pathology is likewise a comparable kind which inspects the ailments through sub-atomic investigation. It is normally rehearsed to cover those infections that have bizarre causes or are hereditary (Woolf, 1998, p. 17). General pathology is a wide term which portrays the logical part of diagnosing illnesses. It is a wide term that covers all the authority highlights of pathology. The logical angle discusses the instruments of the phone during the sickness procedure. This remembers the injury and the impacts for the cells, alongside the body’s capacities to fix these cells. The break and contaminations caused to cells is researched to analyze the ailment, and concerning the treatment of the illness, these cells are dealt with and fixed. The investigation of general pathology incorporates the cell reaction to infections and wounds, for example, aggravation, rot and wound recuperating, and so on. (Spector, 1999, p. 236). Upgrades in the investigation of pathology and in the end in the conclusion procedure of a malady can cause numerous enhancements in the treatment of that sickness too. Symptomatic tests should be precise and real so as to control the ailments from spreading and getting wild. In many creating nations, these tests despite everything need quality and in this manner impact the patient administration. The neurotic investigation is an expert territory in science where the exhibition of the indicative tests are judged and watched plainly. The presentation of these tests will be effectively accomplished if the data and technique for finding isn't one-sided. Error is a hindrance to medicinal services for the individuals who are seriously contaminated however
Saturday, August 22, 2020
MCI Communications Corporation Essay
1-What is the presumable degree of MCI’s outside requirements throughout the following quite a while? By what amount might they be able to be relied upon to change? Why? 2-Critique MCI’s past budgetary strtategy, concentrating on the sorts of protections on which it has depended. For what reason did MCI fund itself in the way it did? 3-Based upon your examination of the standpoint for MCI and the serious and administrative development of the business, suggest a capital structure strategy for MCI and shield your proposition against conceivable occasions. 4-Assume that Mr.English, the MCI CFO, has the accompanying budgetary options accessible to him as of April 1983: a)$500 million of 12 1/2 , multi year subjected debentures b)$400 million of normal stock c1)$600 million 7 5/8 multi year convertible subjected debentures with change cost of $ 54 for every offer (i.e., $1,000 bond would be changed over into 18.52 conmmon shares) c2) $1 billion of a unit bundle comprising of a $1000 7 Â ½, multi year subjected debenture and 18.18 warrants, each qualifying the holder for buy one portion of MCI basic stock for 55$. The warrants would be exercisable until 1988 and are callable. The exercisei cost of the warrants would be payable either in real money or by give up of the debentures esteemed at their chief sum. Which if any of these choices would you suggest that Mr.English take? Why? In expansive layout, what financing steps would you suggest he take overâ the next quite a while?
Friday, August 21, 2020
Popular Destinations visited by Tourists †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Examine About The Fundamentals Of Hospitality And Tourism? Answer: Presentation The travel industry includes exercises of people who travel and remain in places that are outside their basic condition for not, at this point than one progressive year in regard of recreation, business just as different reasons. It is having the inclusion of disengagement outside the general condition. The motivation behind this task is recognizing the idea of visitors on the planet just as in New Zealand. The push and pull factors are assuming a significant job in regard of the travel industry. The push factors are considered being the interior calculates that help framing the allure to go inside potential sightseers while the draw factors that are considered as the engaging quality of the spot as perceived by the explorer, and they are inclined to help the voyager in settling on a genuine decision for a goal. Recorded distinctive time in regards to the travel industry Early Forms of Tourism Early the travel industry is having two structures that incorporate travel viewing professional exchanging just as strict level. There happened the help of movement just as trade of items through the innovation of cash, composing just as wheel by the Sumerians in 400 BC. With respect to time, travel was likewise occurring because of certain private reasons, similar to the Olympic Games that were held in 776 B.C. by the Greeks (Barreda, 2016). The Roman explorers went for feeling appreciated just as for visiting the companions and family members. The Roman explorers were significantly bolstered by improvement in interchanges, top of the line streets just as motels (Eggar, 2016). Strict heading out happened as journeys to the spots of love. Journeys happened for the satisfaction of a promise with respect to the revultion of the threats from a specific sort of sickness or as repentance in regard of sins. Renaissance Era With the Renaissance, there happened the improvement of a couple of notable colleges in light of which, there happened the presentation of movement in regard of training for the most part by the British. In the sixteenth century, travel for instruction picked up fame (Lee, 2016). With the progression of time, it was perceived that a gentlemans instruction should be finished by a Grand Tour in regards to the mainlands social focuses that went on for a long time. In the mid sixteenth century, Grand Tour was utilized. In spite of the fact that, it showed up before all else to be instructive however with the progression of time, it ended up being social. Delight looking for youngsters went in a lackadaisical way significantly through Italy and France for getting a charge out of the social angles just as public activity of Europe, and the significant attractions included Venice, Paris just as Florence (Hudson, 2017). Before the finish of the eighteenth century, there has happened the stan dardization of this training in regard of the societys high society. Modern Revolution The Industrial Revolution achieved huge changes seeing the sort just as size of development with respect to the travel industry. It helped in bringing upgrades viewing the mechanical angles as well as seeing important social changes too, which made travel to be an alluring action for entertainment. The progressions that happened brought about the ascent in profitability just as standard work. Likewise, rising urbanization gave more people the inspiration just as extension for going on a vacation. The progressions helped in the development of the working class that did the blend of the higher salaries just as rising training into yearly occasions (Eto, 2015). For getting away from their duties just as the packed condition in the urban areas, individuals began making a trip to the open country or beach on siestas. nineteenth Century The presentation of trains just as the advancement of steam power has both supported the voyaging. Alongside the production of extra business through the contribution of reliable just as low valued transportation, the railways likewise helped in making expanding measure of rivalry as various private associations did a substantial interest in inns, resorts just as with respect to the offices for amusement (Nair, 2015). The utilization of steam power offered the developing portability required by the travel industry business. The liners on the significant streams offered genuine just as low evaluated transportation that prompted the acclaimed day-trip travels just as the improvement of beach front retreats close to huge modern towns. There happened the development of the movement foundations and Thomas Cook is considered as the principal travel association (Breakey, 2014). With the nineteenth century, attracting to a nearby, photography just as manuals began picking up prominence. Countless manuals that were managing the residential just as abroad travel were getting offered to the sightseers. The most well known among these was Baedeker, whose first production turned out in 1839 and picked up fame in turning into the principal direct in regard of the nations of Europe. In the present situation, Lonely Planet just as Berlitz is considered being the advanced sorts of manuals (Kim, 2017). twentieth Century Toward the start of the twentieth century, there happened new sorts of mass correspondence, which did the incitement of curiosity with respect to various nations. There happened the decay of the railroads as a method of movement with the engine vehicle getting presented. The ocean side visits picked up ubiquity in light of the mechanized open street transport just as better states of the streets. The Second World War likewise offered ascend to the developing enthusiasm in regards to travel. The war brought about acquainting soldiers with the new nations as well as to the new mainlands that brought about the age of new kinships just as enthusiasm for different social perspectives (Rosa, 2016). The inns additionally did the contriving of their individual projects of short-stay occasions in regard of the private drivers. There additionally happened a significant increment in the interest with respect to employed vehicles for abroad occasions. Recorded tourist spots in New Zealand Travelers are pulled in towards New Zealand because of the lavish normal splendor of the nation. There are enormous scopes of sea shores, mountains, volcanoes, timberlands just as underground buckles (Joppe, 2016). New Zealand involves different popular milestones inside the nation, which are referenced as follows: This is arranged in Auckland and is remaining at a tallness of 1,076 feet and viewed as the tallest structure in New Zealand. Numerous exercises should be possible here, for example, going for a stroll around the SkyWalk at 629 feet or taking a glass lift to one of the three review stages, booking a table at Orbit, which is a spinning eatery. Bungee bouncing can likewise be given a shot from their 629 foot pergola (Ivanov, 2017). One Tree Hill This is considered being one of the tallest volcanic tops in the Auckland city. It is additionally viewed as a holy remembrance ground in regard of the Maori pilgrims. It used to have just a single individual totara tree at the top yet during the late 1800s, it got supplanted by a pine tree. During the finish of the twentieth century, the tree got wrecked twice and at present, a tree exists (Yeh, 2013). The area of this structure is in Wellington and the parliament working of New Zealand. It is viewed as the countrys national image. A Scottish modeler did the structuring of a 10-story working looking like a genuine bee sanctuary. Here, we can discover the workplaces of the Prime Minister just as workplaces of different individuals from the bureau (Xiang, 2015). Moeraki Boulders This can be found in South Islands Otago coast. The flawlessly circular arrangements of these stones can't be considered as rocks in the specialized sense however solidifications whose presentation is done through disintegration. According to the legend of the Maoris, this is a considered being the flotsam and jetsam from a huge kayak. Travelers that are coming to see this authentic milestone are given the authorization for contacting just as jumping on the rocks (Page, 2014). This wording is viewed as King of Forest in Maori and is considered as the greatest kauri tree in New Zealand. It is evaluated to be approx. 2300 years of age and can be found by climbing through the Waipoua kauir Forest Sanctuary on the North Island. General Nature of Tourists/Tourism around the globe To talk about with respect to the general idea of the voyagers around the globe certain perspectives should be mulled over, for example, inspiration of visitors, kinds of vacationers, explanation behind going just as the Push and Pull Factors. The Theories of Motivation in regard of voyaging does the order of two powers of inspiration, for example, Wanderlust just as Sunlust. Additionally, the essential travel inspiration can be separated as Physical sparks, Cultural helpers, Interpersonal sparks, just as status and eminence helpers. Physical Motivators These are related with rest, support in sports, the necessity for diversion at the sea shore, just as those helpers that are having direct association with a people real human services like spas, showers, etc. With the assistance of the physical elements, there happens the decrease in pressure (Lee, 2016). Social Motivators These helpers are having the connection with the attractive quality of the explorer in finding out about various nations just as their specialty, music, moves, conventions, religions, etc. Relational Motivators These helpers are related with the attractive quality for meeting new people, for example, companions family members and getting away from the huge work pressure in regular day to day existence (Murphy, 2017). Status Prestige Motivators These helpers are connected with the necessities in regard of regard just as individual development. Such inspirations are considered as the attractive quality in regard of getting acknowledgment, consideration, power just as appreciation. Characterization of sightseers Voyagers are co
Sunday, June 7, 2020
GRE/SAT Vocab Help How to Learn Vocabulary, Bird by Bird
Just take it bird by bird. As an SAT and GRE tutor, I routinely encounter students who are overwhelmed by the amount of words they have learn - whether because English is not their native language, or because they looked at an SAT vocab list and wound up cowering under the bed. Here's the truth: there are always more words to learn. You can never learn them all. But you can make an effort to learn words that will help on whatever test you are taking - SSAT, SAT, GRE, TOEFL, or any other - and greater command of vocabulary will not only improve your score but also increase your confidence taking the test. When students come to me for GRE or SAT vocab help, they ask me, "How do I get over the fear of the endless vocabulary list?" My response is, by starting somewhere, and chipping away slowly at that mountain of words. One of my favorite books on writing is Anne Lamott's Bird by Bird, and the eponymous story is one that has always stuck with me: "...my older brother, who was ten years old at the time, was trying to get a report on birds written that he'd had three months to write, which was due the next day. We were out at our family cabin in Bolinas, and he was at the kitchen table close to tears, surrounded by binder paper and pencils and unopened books on birds, immobilized by the hugeness of the task ahead. Then my father sat down beside him, put his arm around my brother's shoulder, and said, "Bird by bird, buddy. Just take it bird by bird." " This story has stuck with me because it's a feeling most of us have experienced - whether facing a large writing project, studying for all of the SAT, or even approaching just the vocabulary portion. There's so much information that it can seem impossible to start. But it's important to start somewhere. (for example, if you don't know eponymous, go look it up!) Cambridge Coaching GRE and SAT tutors usually advise their students to learn 50 - 75 new words a week. You can only do that with careful planning. Studies have shown that most people need to have exposure to a word 12-18 times before it is stored in long-term memory. What does this mean for you? Do a little every day. If you do the math (quick, can you beat me to it?) 50 words/week = 10 words each day Monday through Friday. Easy! 75 words/week = 11 words Monday-Friday and 10 words Sat-Sun. Sitting down and writing out the definitions for 75 words in a row would be torture for most of us - break it up. What do you write when you write those words? Your key word, the primary definition and secondary definitions. If you want the best chance of remembering the word, you should also write a sentence that uses the word in context. Or draw a picture that shows the meaning (this can be a creative break: how can you show the meaning of "perspicacious" with a stick figure? These abstract drawings sometimes comes out so strange that they help you remember the word). Yes, you can buy any of 1,000,000 vocabulary books on the market, but that will not replace the process of your making a flashcard, which is helping encode the information and helping you learn. Do a little every day means you only have to add a few at a time - but look at the second part: every day. You may only add 10 words a day, but you also need to be reviewing your other words. That's where the repetition comes in. How to review? Everyone is different. Some people prefer smartphone apps - there are endless flashcard apps, or quizzes and games with websites like Quizlet. I still prefer pen-and-paper notecards, or a vocabulary list with the words on the left and definition on the right that I can fold over. Maybe you can enlist your parents to utilize your vocabulary words at breakfast, like Jeremy's parents -- or maybe you'd rather not. The more you use your new words every day, however, the more they will stick. Where to get these words? Cambridge Coaching SAT and GRE tutors have ample advice depending on what test you are preparing for, and those lists have been built from years of experience. The words you are most likely to remember, however, are the ones that you come across in your reading in everyday life. Make it a habit to notice new vocabulary as you read, and write down the word to look up later. You already have an authentic context someone else has used it in. Whenever you are studying vocabulary, you may be preparing for a test, but you are also enriching all of your future writing, and creating good habits that will help you as you go on to study other languages. ;
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Sensing The Environment Student Created Water Quality...
Sensing the Environment: Student-Created Water Quality Sensors Liesl Hotaling, Eidos Education Rustam Stolkin, University of Birmingham, School of Mechanical Engineering Abstract (250 words) The Student Enabled Network of Sensors for the Environment using Innovative Technology (SENSE IT) program provides an infrastructure and curricula for teachers and students to learn core science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) knowledge through building, testing, programming and deploying their own environmental sensor networks. The project prepares and motivates young people for the future STEM workforce by providing: 1) a motivating, meaningful and hands-on scenario for learning a wide range of STEM topics, 2) an engaging link between†¦show more content†¦Students learn best if they are immersed in complex experiences and are given the opportunity to actively process what they have learned (Caine, 1991). Unfortunately, only 16 percent of instruction in U.S. classrooms could be characterized as application oriented (Stevenson and Stigler, 1992). To assist students in achieving content mastery, teachers must create learning environments which present students with c hallenging problems to demonstrate their knowledge through application. This emphasis on application through design has been informed by research on the use of design for learning complex and interrelated ideas (Brown, 1992; Blumenfeld et al., 1991; Harel Papert, 1990, 1991; Perkins, 1986; Mishra Koehler, 2006). The process of building ocean technologies in classrooms can introduce authentic and engaging, ill-structured problems that reflect the complexity of the real world. The Student Enabled Network of Sensors for the Environment using Innovative Technology (SENSE IT, www.senseit.org) project, brings real-world environmental sensor networks into the classroom. SENSE IT challenges students to construct and deploy sensors and interpret data from their own sensor network to monitor water quality. SENSE IT integrates fundamental science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) principles and providesShow MoreRelatedReport On University Of Florida Water Consumption And Methods Of Reduction1998 Words  | 8 PagesReport on University of Florida Water Consumption and Methods of Reduction Yanfang Ao. James K. Clover. Andres E. Cubeddu. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
V For Vendetta Response Analysis - 2047 Words
V FOR VENDETTA RESPONSE ANALYSIS 1. SUMMARY OF THE FILM The film is about a masked man called V who is against an unjust government and hypocritical society. He is on a mission to change things by bringing down the government and empower the citizens. He first meets Evey when he recues her from government agents who wanted to rape her. He takes her to the symbol of Lady Justice statue from where V blows up the building. In a broadcast message, V urges people to turn against the government. He reminds them that justice, fairness and freedom were more than words and that ‘people shouldn’t fear government; government should fear them instead.’ He talks about how government uses lies and manipulation of the media to perpetuate injustice and†¦show more content†¦Language. V’s use of Shakespearean language ‘earns’ him some credibility. There is also use of profanities which at times was ironic especially when used within sentences mentioning Jesus’ name. 3. Was there an example of governing in the film There was an example of government in the film. First, there was the president who addressed the nation following the bombing in town. Presidents preside over government and therefore is a perfect illustration of governance in the film. In fact, V’s struggle was against what he deemed as an unjust and corrupt government. He portrays government as being against the interest of the people. In his broadcast message, he says ‘something is terribly wrong with this country.’ This is indication that the government was doing enough to improve the lives of its citizens, which is a reason why V advocates for a rebellion. The government is also portrayed as a manipulator of information. Government never hesitates to use lies to achieve their goals. The government agency in charge of investigations lies to the public that the ‘terrorist’ was killed. Government’s high propensity to tell lies and manipulate information is further evidenced by the statement t hat ‘†¦our job is to report the news not to fabricate it. That (fabrication) is the government’s job.’ The government is also portrayed as corrupt when it is discovered that some monies were irregularly paidShow MoreRelatedV For Vendetta Response Analysis1375 Words  | 6 PagesV for Vendetta Response Analysis Essay In the film V for Vendetta, directed by James McTeigue, the viewer s early impression of Evey is that she is powerless ladylike and a terrified character, who is caught by her dread of the legislature. Notwithstanding, the viewer s impression of Evey is tested all through the film through visual procedures, for example, ensemble, exchange and altering. She turns into a much more grounded, more intrepid character. 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Managing Culture and Change Complexity of Leadership
Question: Discuss about the Managing Culture and Change for Complexity of Leadership. Answer: Introduction: The importance of change management at workplace cannot be overemphasized. In order to survive in the market, and to retain its position, and regain the faith and loyalty of consumers, Volkswagen had to adopt the effective change management strategy. However, at the same time, in order to monitor the changes, the adoption of Mckinseys 7S Model was also highly important for the organization. When a huge organization like Volkswagen intends to change a single aspect of the organization, it is left with no option but to change the other aspect as well (Rhodes 2016). The diesel emission scandal has created much trouble for Volkswagen, as the organization lost its goodwill in the consumer market. Hence, it became absolutely imperative to change the senior managers, as removing them could only restore transparency to the organization. However, according to Mckinseys 7S Model, a single change is always associated with multiple factors that if overlooked, may lead to complete chaos and organizational failure. Mckinseys 7S Model states that there are seven major elements that determine the success of an organization, and a change in one will resultantly influence the other element, if the same is not re-aligned. Figure : Mckinseys 7S Model Source: (Alsheher 2013 ) The above factors form an important part of an organization, and there exists a relation of inter-dependence among each of the factors. Consequently, the change in the senior staffs of the organization must be followed by the change in the strategy, skills, style, structure as well as systems and shared values of Volkswagen (Roth and DiBella 2016). A huge crisis emerged for Volkswagen, when charges of fraudulence and violation of environmental rules were being brought against the management authority of the organization. Being accused of having cheated the emission tests, the German car giant organization started encountering unforeseen challenges in conducting business further, and hence the adoption of the change management strategy became absolutely imperative (Rudzinski and Uerz 2014). Starting with the chief executive, the head of group services, the sales head, and almost each employee holding high and managerial designation in the organization was changed. As and when the organization discovered the inefficiency and professional incompetency of the employees, it immediately changed the staffs, as there were competency gaps that were harming the reputation of the organization (Jurevicius 2013). However, the change in staff had to be followed by the change in the other six factors as well. With the change in the staff, there was also a change in the management, and as such the entire structure of the organization also underwent change (Kapferer 2012). The administrative procedure of the organization consequently changed. One of the major external factors that influenced the change in organizational structure was the recent diesel emission scandal. It should be remembered that apart from the legal complications, and the loss of consumer goodwill, the organization also suffered from a huge loss as its market share also went down remarkably (Elson et al. 2015). Hence, the organization had to re-structure its business activities. Volkswagen was primarily known for developing and selling passenger cars as well as commercial vehicles, and yet at present the organization has focused more on the production of fuel-efficient small cars and luxury vehicles (Singh 2013). Again, as a result of the scandal, the organization had already incurred a huge expense, and as such it had to align its strategy to meet the goal and objectives, as well as to enhance its revenue. The strategy of the organization so far was to enhance its revenue with the help of the sale of a huge number of vehicles; however, the strategy has been recently revised to incorporate the issue of sustainability in it (Klein et al. 2015). As a result, the organization at present is not only focused on the production of the vehicles, but on the production of fuel and energy efficient vehicles . Hence, as per the new strategy of the organization, Volkswagen will be producing more of electric cars. Matthias Muller, the current Chief Executive Official of the organization has explained the new strategy which claims that the organization will be delivering thirty new electric cars by the year of 2025 (Klein 2015). The skills of the employees also need to be changed, and the employee skills play an important role in the change management of an organization. As soon as the management of the organization was changed, Volkswagen also needed to improve and develop the employee skill of the existent employees, so that their skills comply with the vision as well as the strategy of the organization. It was being observed that the senior management of Volkswagen was dominated chiefly by male German engineers, and had the workforce been a more diverse one, such moral lapses might have been avoided. Hence, the organization resolved to hire a more diverse workforce, as well as to enhance the skills of the employees, so that the corporate culture and leadership can also be changed (Grant 2016). The administrative system of the organization was such that the former chairman, Ferdinand Piech would take a decision by discussing an issue with the works council only. However, the organization recently has proposed a change in the system as well, as the chairman from now on, would be required to consult the shareholder, whereby if it is agreed, it would be brought forward to the work council (Musso and Cusano 2015). Consequently, the leadership style of the organization was changed. The former CEO, Winterkorn introduced a dictatorial working culture, creating a sense of fear, as a result of which the employees could not rise up, and speak against the wrong issues (Fernando 2016). However, a more lenient yet flexible leadership style was introduced with the appointment of new leaders, as a result of which focused more on capability and insight solutions. Finally, Volkswagen has also revised and re-introduced the shared value of the organization, as its new vision is Sustainable Mo bility. The organization is now aimed at achieving its environmental responsibility through the implementation of sustainability programs, such as Think Blue Nature. As a result, at present the organization is working in compliance with the values and objectives, as far as the sustainability issue is concerned. Reference List: Alshaher, A.A.F., 2013. The mckinsey 7S model framework for e-learning system readiness assessment.International Journal of Advances in Engineering Technology,6(5), p.1948. Elson, C.M., Ferrere, C.K. and Goossen, N.J., 2015. The bug at Volkswagen: Lessons in coà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ determination, ownership, and board structure.Journal of Applied Corporate Finance,27(4), pp.36-43. Fernando, M., 2016. The Complexity of Leadership. InLeading Responsibly in the Asian Century(pp. 53-69). Springer International Publishing. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. Jurevicius, O., 2013. McKinsey 7s Model.Strategic Management Insight. Kapferer, J.N., 2012.The new strategic brand management: Advanced insights and strategic thinking. Kogan page publishers. Klein, J., 2015. 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